I like to think that I turned out OK. There were lots of bad things in my neighborhood, that could easily lead a kid down the wrong path. I generally stayed out of trouble and played video games. There's a lot of hype in the media about how video games may be harmful to kids. I doubt that's true. Unless you're simply playing too much, video games can be quite entertaining and educational.
One of the things I remember growing up was the FBI message on video games...
I was thinking about bringing this message back. I was thinking about contacting the FBI and see if they would want to team up with volunteer game developers. Maybe we could bring these screens back. What do you think? Would you want to put such a screen in your games?
One of the things I remember growing up was the FBI message on video games...
I was thinking about bringing this message back. I was thinking about contacting the FBI and see if they would want to team up with volunteer game developers. Maybe we could bring these screens back. What do you think? Would you want to put such a screen in your games?
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Personally i will not use drugs due to the crime associated with the growing, selling etc.
But, there are handfuls of recreational users (not myself) that dont grow out of the dope but, for the most part something as common as pot makes the majority of users useless.
Working at a mall and looking to score some weed after the shift seems to be the more common stoner way of life lol
Drug use and success rarely go hand in hand.
Besides look how much of small town america is being completely destroyed by meth.
Although, I do suppose that this is an altruistic goal. I don't like how my profession, my pastime, is viewed as something bad. I have very fond memories of video games while growing up, so I don't like the negative stigma that's typically associated with them. I did well in school and got into a decent career path. I think that my interest in video games and the Internet helped.
So, can we make a difference here? Can we encourage people to get into Game Development instead of self-destructive behavior? I don't know. I was thinking that it would be cool to have an authentic FBI screen for my retro arcade game. If nostalgia leads to helping people, this might be a good idea.
I'm not trying to be mean, but it's how I think they'd be interpreted these days - much like the anti drugs ads on TV in my country, to a smaller extent.
I personally enjoy the odd indulgence - nothing over the top - I might smoke a joint a few times a year; I enjoyed it more in the past but now it's more a rare, special occasion thing - typically before a meal at Christmas or the like.
I've never seen a problem with recreational use of E or pot, but anything you shoot is a different matter.
Then again, I guess people are effected differently - a few years ago I tried speed, was able to sleep on it, and woke up feeling the best I've ever felt in my entire life.
My partner however took speed several years ago and ended up freaking out at a mate's place believing that people were trying to "get him".
I'd agree with gyroscope that something more "modern" would work a hell of a lot better; personally I love the idea of putting coke or the like in a shooter, and the player has the option to use the item or not - if the use it, they automatically miss every shot - if they don't, they're fine :P
As for the image, I think you would definitely be better off trying to modernize the slogan, because kids would definitely find that hilarious, instead of taking it seriously.
As for the message in general, I would argue plenty of winners and successful people use drugs. The problem arises when people without self control abuse drugs. But coming from a college student, I can safely say that I don't know anybody who would be considered a "winner".
I don't know though, seems like if there was an independent gamers union or something, we could make a new message, a new screen to put in the games. But then again, we're independent! Trying to get us to do things as a single unit would be like herding cats...
Personally while I'm against many drugs, namely shooting, I'm still all for legalizing pot and if I really think about it, of the four most successful people I know, 3 would use "soft" drugs at least a few times a year.
It isn't like Gendai would do that anyway; their screen helps them promote themselves, which is fair enough