New idea
I have what I think is a simple but automatically appealing idea for an app/game. I am unskilled tech-wise in how to make this come to fruition. I have had super positive reactions from trusted people. Any suggestions for how to connect with someone who can help me move forward with my idea?
@stonemead22 Since its a simple and appealing idea , i think you should make it yourself . Gamesalad is really easy to use you just need logic. I suggest you look into some tutorials , take what is useful and try to start working on it. Good luck though , hope you find what you need.
I have had several good working relationships by posting for paid help here in the forums. Since all you have is an idea, you will probably need to look at paying someone to build it for you.
It might seem daunting at first but making your own game is very rewarding. Costs usually 25-40 US per hour to hire someone. It's cheaper to make yourself.
Plz share idea with us here. Thanks.