How much money can i earn?
Average amount of time my game is played in every day lets say 10 minutes.
How much money can I earn from a free game that gets downloaded 1000 times?
Average amount of time my game is played in every day lets say 10 minutes.
How much money can I earn from a free game that gets downloaded 1000 times?
That is nonsense! He will make much more!
Give or take a few pence
That question can't really be answered, especially not with only two parameters: 1000 downloads and 5 minutes play a day.
That would also depend on a number of factors including:
There's probably a shed load more things to factor in.
I would say.....between 0 and 1 million
Every single person that I have ever seen asking a question like "how much money can I earn" on the forums has been struck with reality within a year or so (often much sooner than that) and then... silence. Maybe the OP will be the exception to this universal rule?
One of my games was downloaded about 5,000 times and I made $3. You shouldn't expect those types of riches your first time out though.
What did you do with all the money ? I'm guessing most of it all went on a baby giraffe ?
Does it feed from the halfling on the right?
That's BazookaTime's brother, he paid for him to have the change with the money left over from the giraffe.
@shahadat7517171 and @Socks
Aaahh! The most frequently asked question in this business.
How to you end up with a $1m from app development?
Start with $2m!
Ahh! But I was talking about the half woman even more to the right.
our first game made $500, second game made $20.
This may sum it up in 1 sentence. You may think you have a hit on your hands and it may not sell as well vs your "quick game" may do all right....
The world is changing quickly, when people can't be bothered to buy a 99c game. ; - )
( Those NES cart games, they were quite pricey when new - and there were shortages! )
Most people use free / IAP / ads now, right?
I guess I better "get with the program" ...
Except now there are ad-blockers out there, so now even ads aren't as helpful as they once were.
@Spalding004 adblockers did little to nothing to my ad revenue the normal user doesn't use them
My Apps
Huh! That's good to know. Thanks.
I like your optimism, a more accurate estimate for most people though (when taking various dev fees and licenses into account) is more in the ball park of USD: random(-399,-1000)
Kirafu quit his job and has spent the last two years making Roll Turtle – and it's quite magnificent. I suspect he's not ordering his Ferrari just yet. He's also probably regretting quitting his job.
A free game using only ads on Gplay or Apple will have a bunch of variables making it impossible to tell you a good answer.
For Amazon underground you get 0.002 for every minute people play your game. So 1000 users at 10 min EACH/ PER day is 20$ a day for amazon underground only
(or 600 a month, or 7200 yearly)
Amazon underground is NO ads allowed and must be free to play so this will be your only revenue.
But yea the others are impossible to tell