Ad Networks - Banners and Full page at the same time
Hey guys, I could have just PM'ed a couple of devs this question but thought id ask it here as Ive been asked twice this week and I don't know the answer myself so I'm posting it for the world to see and hopefully help a few people out when we get the answer!
So ill tag @BigDave in this as he maybe the correct person to ask as he is normally keen and upto date with the ad network info!
So the question is Dave (and anyone else who knows the answer!) Can we now successfully deliver banner ads and full page ads in the same game in a single session?
By this I mean, have banner ads at the top (or bottom) of the screen and then deliver a full page ad at a scene change.
I know this wasn't previously possible (for a number of reasons like chartboost didn't support banner and you couldn't have 2 ad suppliers running in the app at the same time). But with he addition of Admob and RevMob and the removal of iAds this has opened a few doors and hopefully some more options!
Yes Damian, I use RevMob with everything and I have banner ads in the menus/pause.
When you die or pause it changes scene and a popup/full screen/interstitial ad comes up.
I also have video reward ads after you click a FREE button.
This is ALL with Revmob. Check out Bizarre Blocks for example:
With the game you helped me with (Money Marathon - I have revmob banner ads and chartboost popup and video rewards
Let me know if you have any questions
Thanks Nathan @NNterprises so that confirms that REVMOB can run both.
I know Chartboost don't offer banner so thats them off the shelf. @Dan_Chartboost feel free to chime in if I have got this wrong or you have changed your way of works.
So Admob anybody? Does admob allow both banner and full page (interstitial) ads?
As far as i know, you can use chartboost fullscreen ads with AdMob or RevMob banners at the same time.
Mental Donkey Games
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Can you confirm this with a build released? I know previously, you could ADD both but when launched, the device would chose one or the other and only show that providers ads. But things have moved on within the last year so this may have changed. but I'm looking for definite answers here so we can clarify a few questions thrown about. Do you have a game where chartboost full and admob banners in where it can be tested? Thank you in advance.
Yes, actually. I have a game with AdMob banners and Chartboost interstitials. It´s an old one so didn´t remember it right away
Works just like it should.
I have not tested Chartboost + RevMob, but at least Chartboost + AdMob works.
EDIT: Also, in GS publishing where you select the ad networks you want to use, there´s a different section for banners and interstitial ads.
EDIT2: You can see it yourself. Click to my website (on my signature), and download the word game. The banners are only in the Android version, because i used iAds on iOs when they were still available. never bothered to update, because the game sucks
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
@MentalDonkeyGames is correct.
My first version of my game used Admob banners and revmob popups and worked fine.
I know that you are still unable to have admob banners AND popups in the same game though. They ALLOW both but cannot be done at the same time with GS...
since I am tagged
( actually opened this thread because of the thread title and saw I was tagged)
Everyone is right here.
You can and also could in the past have 2 different ad partners in your app.
Having Chartboost Interstitals and Admob banner works and is in my opinion one of the strongest monetisation models together with and in-app to remove both + an extra thing they might want.
"Thinking about your question I now wonder myself if its possible to select Admob and Revmob for banners. And if its possible what are the criteria for the device to decide which. The best way would be something like checking availability of the ad or even cpm offered comparison. But thats wish full thinking."
My Apps
Hi guys, just to recap:
on GS is NOT possible to use Chartboost rewarded videos + Admob interstitial at the same time, is right?
@gamevicci Correct. Whatever Interstitial you are using you MUST be using the same for video.... just due to how the checkboxes are setup for publishing