Woohoo! Gold Rush!!!!!
Here I was, sitting at work and I just hit the big time! I just won a free Crunchie bar! It says so inside the wrapper! WOOHOO!
Does anyone else have Crunchie bars or is it just Aussie/NZ? They are YUMMY.
Does anyone else have Crunchie bars or is it just Aussie/NZ? They are YUMMY.
Keep the board clear for more useful discussions!
...or the weekend events for Guild Wars?
...or my Android games?
...or status updates on when I clip my toenails?
When looking at new posts on the main forum page, I don't see that a thread is in the "miscellaneous" section. I only see the headline. So, if the miscellaneous section becomes just noise, those threads will be bumped off the main forum page. (I rarely look at the "New Features" request area, as those threads don't appear on the main forum page.)
That means when people actually have useful miscellaneous posts, people may not get to see it because you wanted to discuss candy bars.
...we'll discuss my new game, "Photics, man in beige". It's really boring and nothing happens in it...
I don't like noise and I don't like seeing a community fragment. So because you're having fun, you're weakening the usefulness of the forum. Now you can be hedonistic, or you can open your mind and see the real value of your nonsensical posts.
If you have nothing better to do, here a link to some videos for you to watch...
Good game concept though. I think a gray-scale game could be fun. The reduced color palette would lead to smaller png files... which means better game performance. Although, your theme could lead to character defamation lawsuits, so you might want to change that up.
Something YOU might like to read:
If you're bored, why don't you make some games? Are you having like writer's block or something? Is there a technical issue bothering you?
Heh... anyway, I've made my point. I should be doing something more productive. Maybe you should too!
Do something productive? Me? And miss our little chats? :-P Okay, I would if I had an Intel Mac here... Grrrr.
And yes, Gamesalad runs this forum. GAME SALAD. Not you ;-)
If you have Internet access, why not use something like VNC? The server is built-in to Snow Leopard. So, you'd just need the viewer and there are plenty of those around. Although, I stopped using it though. It seemed like a security risk, as I wasn't able to make a secure connection.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Since then I don't visit the board withouth serious reason.
You want to just view one section, you click into it. It's ONE extra click. You don't even have to scroll down - they're all at the top of the page!
Frankly I am a big supporter of chit chat in misc - it's how those of us who want to get to know each other better and even become friends; I like how it makes this feel even more like a community.
Plus, I personally LOVE Crunchie bars