Help making objects move away from player when colliding
Hi im pretty new on gamesalad and im trying to make a game where a player i chasing/pushing monsters in to a car. When player and monster collide i want the monster to move in the oppisite ange that he hit the player with.
The player and monster have circle hitboxes, so when they hit eachother i want the monsters to run in the opisite direction as the angle it hit the player with.
Plzz Help
Hmm. Not sure I understand but here is a try. Opposite to angle that is hit.
Heres a demo....... angle its
Hi super it works just what i was looking for, now im wondering how to stop the motion of the moster hit. i tried putting a timer on but it dosent work.
So the monster is hit it moves and now you want it to stop? Stop after a certain distance or time?
You could put a timer then change velocity to zero???
Maybe this???? angle its hit then
When collide change drag to X
With Drag. angle its hit then stop with
Hmmm yes that seems to work. Honestly I've never played with "drag" before.
Kind of like friction attribute but not having to touch something I would guess.
Give it a go, you might like it.
Yeah I knew I was in trouble with that one. I should take that off my Facebook page.
It's all about getting the right moustache colour.