GooglePlay APK Upload failed

dapiondapion Member, PRO Posts: 353

Hi there,

I have not uploaded apps to Google Play for over a year.
Now I have the problem that my APK will not be accepted.
Has something changed with the keystore lately?

I get this error message.

You have uploaded an APK that is signed with a key that is also used by APKs, is passed to the users. Since you are registered for App Signing Key, you must sign the APK with a new key before uploading.


  • dapiondapion Member, PRO Posts: 353

    Can closed....
    Found a good tutorial for the new Upload key.

  • kes0hkes0h Member, PRO Posts: 18

    If you don't want to use their "signig process" , you can unsign from it only when you delete concept of app from google play, then add new app and don't click to accept their signing process and you can use your keystore. I did that last week when i was preparing my next app for testing .

  • dapiondapion Member, PRO Posts: 353

    @kes0h said:
    If you don't want to use their "signig process" , you can unsign from it only when you delete concept of app from google play, then add new app and don't click to accept their signing process and you can use your keystore. I did that last week when i was preparing my next app for

    Yes that's true. I have seen it too late with the signing process. But now it works...

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