Never heard of such a thing. They ran a Christmas sale last year for a few days on the Pro membership, but that's the only discount I'm aware of.
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available!
design219 said: Never heard of such a thing. They ran a Christmas sale last year for a few days on the Pro membership, but that's the only discount I'm aware of.
Oh wow, that's one of the reasons why I'm worried about going Pro. I'm thinking if I paid $1999 in August, I'd be quite annoyed to see it for $499 in December.
Oh, and I can't post updates in my GameSalad Textbook thread. Ha. I tried posting all of the links to my mobile projects, and my post got blocked.
Photics said: Oh, and I can't post updates in my GameSalad Textbook thread. Ha. I tried posting all of the links to my mobile projects, and my post got blocked.
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available!
Oh, and I can't post updates in my GameSalad Textbook thread. Ha. I tried posting all of the links to my mobile projects, and my post got blocked.
Thanks for trying though!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...