Here's a dial for all your volume needs and other in-game dial stuff ! (file attached below)
Simply drag the actor named 'place me in scene for dial' into the scene and it will generate a 10 segment rotary dial, all 10 dial panels are separate images, so you can drag them into Photoshop and apply your own design / values . . . . etc.
very nice thanks
My Apps
very cool. thanks for sharing!
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Very cool!
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Very clever!
This one is a keeper.
Cheers everyone.
A couple of additional notes, you can change the direction that the light is falling onto the rotatry dial - open the 'Dial panel' actor and change the 'Specular Angle' attribute from 73° to some other value, for example 110° means the light is coming more from above the dial, and something like -60° would see the light coming from below . . .etc.
Also if you want to extract a value from the dial (is 'dial' the right word ? I don't think it is now) for example to change the volume of music or change the power of a weapon (etc) you can use the angle Dial Value attribute, you just need to use a little maths to convert it to the value range you need.
Also the edges of the dial panels might look a little flickery when moving, but that's just because it's set up for Retina - if you preview it on a Retina device (or 200% custom preview in Creator) then you can see the motion/edges are nice and smooth.
Here you go, an 8bit version for BigDave
With this version, you can drag the 'Dial Set Up' actor into the scene and then change the width to whatever size you need - and the dial that it generates will be that width.
What did I say about refraining from being awesome? Don't make me get the Ban hammer.
Very nice! Keeping!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Cheers big ears !
Who's Noddy?
I bet hardly anyone here knows of Noddy and Big Ears?
Awesomes to anyone who does.
Hey, that is five awesomes for me then
Great stuff @Socks!
Hey, wait a minute now!
You have got to show that you know who Noddy and Big Ears are.
Once you depict it, the prize is yours!
Nice try, but you will need to take my word on it. I will not be tricked into posting a depiction of something as subversive as this, not to mention the Golliwogs.
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Okay, so far one awesome.
When I said depict it I didn't mean show us the bell on your pointy hat! I meant some proof... like a copy of the rag books you had as a child.
Like this: here's the one my Nanna used to read me when I was four.
That beast Big Ears just announced that he will deport the Golliwog and all his sycophantic Noddies in January.
Cheers Socks.
Great piece.
man you're good at this..
I remember noddy..
Any chance anyone still has this file floating around? working on a dial spin for a random quest generator and love the physics of his project. @Socks any chance your still around? =D
Unfortunately @Socks hasn't been active in over a year. :(
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
No worries, was just hoping to learn from the logic he used and apply it to a spinning wheel I am doing too. Did Gamesalad delete or lose all the attachments on older posts? Maybe it happened when they switch forum platforms? Seems like a bunch are missing examples that past users added.
I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere but finding it amongst the thousands of demo projects I've squirreled away will be... tricky :D I'll see if I can find it but no promises on either success or timescale.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I think most of the old downloads are gone now that Gamesalad has moved to the new forum software. It's a real bummer.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@Armelline You are a rock-star sir! Appreciate you looking even if you can't find!
Sorry, I've dug around pretty thoroughly and no dice. Unless it's named something pretty far from "dial" I don't see it. I definitely had it. Can probably throw together something similar if I can find the time, I remember how he did it. He was way better at graphics than me though, and a lot of the effect is from very well designed and used images.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline I will shoot you a DM/Email and we can chat offline. I think the best bet would be for me to contract some work to get what I need done so I can stay on my timeline =)
Sure! Happy to help however I can.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support