App crashing on start on Android

Dima_HHDima_HH Member, PRO Posts: 48

Hey there,

My app is working perfectly on iOS, but on Android it's constantly crashing on startup.

I've build the app as AAB and signed manually via terminal on my mac, using jarsigner. I can successfully upload it on the Playstore. Then I try to test it out on my NoxPlayer Android Emulator on the mac, but the app is always crashing. Other apps are running well on the Emulator, so I don't think the Emulator is the reason.

For some reason my app is always crashing.

I am listening to the logs of the android emulator. These are the logs happening on the crashing moment:

Does anyone have a clue why this could be?

Spent so much time on this but can't find the reason.

Please help.

EDIT: I was curious if this happens also with another project. So I've build another small project and tried to test it out. Same error with other project. What am I doing wrong?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    @Dima_HH , could you DM me your publishing link ( so I can take a look at your app. Unfortunately the stack traces are deeper in the system layer so I'm not sure what the issue is. My guess is some service we have configured is causing the error, so i want to try out your app on my device to try to track it down.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    Okay, looking at the logs more carefully, I think I know what's up. Could you tell me what device you're using?

    I think it's because you're using a x86 android device, which we do not currently support. I'm currently working on our next build, so I can look into supporting, it. If you let me know what device your testing on, I can confirm if that's the issue and try to schedule some time to see if we can easily support it.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    Nm, I see it,"NoxPlayer Android Emulator". I think it's something with the emulator and how we hook into OpenGL, so I would need to dig deeper.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    But please send me your publishing link anyway, so I can make sure to test it specifically with your game.

  • Dima_HHDima_HH Member, PRO Posts: 48

    Yea right, I don't have an Android phone, so need to use an Emulator.

    Good to know that the error is probably because of that. So it might work well on a real device.

    I've sent you a DM with the id. Thank you for the fast support. Very appreciate that

  • Dima_HHDima_HH Member, PRO Posts: 48

    Hey, just wanted to let you know. I got myself an Android Phone (Galaxy S9) and the app is working fine. So the reason for the bug is the NoxPlayer Android Emulator, as you already said.

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