A New Wild Idea! ...
This could be my 1st iPad game concept to become a reality. The clock starts ticking ... now ... ^_^
Maybe to make it somewhat fun, anyone who guesses correctly (or close enough) what it might be gets a promo code!
Maybe to make it somewhat fun, anyone who guesses correctly (or close enough) what it might be gets a promo code!
Hitting my sketchbook now ^_^
- There are no machines involved. (apart from the laptop used to build the game ^_^)
- It would not really make sense to make it for the iPhone, thought it could be done.
- The seed for the wild idea has something to do with an issue that never was a problem until the iPad came along.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Like we draw our characters and then we can create the events.
Up to to players running.
When 1 is pressed
Change Attribute
QuantumSheep.speed to QuantumSheep.speed+1
When 2 is pressed
Change Attribute
Firemaples.speed to Firemaples.speed+1
if so, it has been suggested before and despite a lot of interest it never took off!
Not easy to pull off but interesting. I might try something like that with a local interest group in Singapore.