BUG: Behavior attributes act funky when trying to drag them to another behavior
When you attempt to drag an attribute definition (blue pill box in the expression of the behavior) to another behavior - sometimes its easy...but most of the time it isn't.
A second (cloned overlay) of the pillbox seems to HOVER above the actual pillbox underneath. Dragging the hover pillbox does nothing. You actually have to carefully try to select and drag the 5 pixel sliver underneath the hovering clone to make a drag and drop of an attribute happen.
I've gotten used to it by now after about 5 version updates...but it sure would be nice if this showed up fixed someday soon. Its kinda annoying and just causes frustration at times.
A second (cloned overlay) of the pillbox seems to HOVER above the actual pillbox underneath. Dragging the hover pillbox does nothing. You actually have to carefully try to select and drag the 5 pixel sliver underneath the hovering clone to make a drag and drop of an attribute happen.
I've gotten used to it by now after about 5 version updates...but it sure would be nice if this showed up fixed someday soon. Its kinda annoying and just causes frustration at times.