About popular music license

oxigenowoxigenow Member Posts: 17

I´m thinking to start a little project of a piano score system, where player can play the screen notes. I would like to use popular songs, but I don't know about licenses.

For example, "Happy Birthday" theme is under copyright until 2030 in USA and 2016 in Europe. I´ve got several piano beginners method (boks) that includes score and chords to play it.

License is for play the theme only? What about a basic score in screen and a chord accompaniment background with no melody?

Thanks ;-)


  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    Ask a lawyer, why would you ask a bunch of people in a public forum that don't know law? hehe
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    Or try indiegamer.com Many experienced indie devs there.
  • Popular songs cost a fortune my dad works in a business here they use popular music and your looking at a few grand :)
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    Please check this question of usage with Ascap...

    there are difference between private playing and public performance rates...
    you are probably looking at 1¢ to 2¢ per song per game for recorded music

    and you are not using a recording but the sheet music--which is way less expensive

    Ascap handles this well...
  • oxigenowoxigenow Member Posts: 17

    I´ll contact with Ascap. I´m spanish and i know about this in my country (here licenses are protected by SGAE)

  • jessicaleahyjessicaleahy Member Posts: 144
    Wow, thanks for the great info. Oxigenow, your idea is very unique and fun!
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