iPhone 4 not loading Viewer?

juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi guys, I'm trying to test my app on my iPhone 4, but everytime I goto load it, the app sort of "half opens"... meaning the apps on the screen move away for the split of a second then come back to their place. Other times the screen goes black for an instance before it crashes. I've built it about 5 times with the latest version and I can't get past it. I have followed every instruction EXACTLY. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm running iOS 4.0.1


  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    Oops, sorry I made my question a bit vague. It's actually just the GS viewer itself that I can't open, seeing as I'm trying to use the viewer rather than publish my app every time. So when I open "GS Viewer" it just decides it can't even open. I can run it fine on my Mac, just not the phone!

    Another question associated to the viewer though, is that in iOS 4 my game runs unbelievably choppy (anywhere between 10 and 20 fps), but on an iPhone 3g simulation it runs perfect? My actual iphone 4 runs the game identical to the simulation on the Mac. Thanks for the quick reply tshirtbooth!
  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    I've removed it and reinstalled it, even switched my iPhone 4 of and on again multiple times and nothing has seemed to solve this issue.

    As for the game choppyness, here it is put simply:
    iPhone 4 running 4.0.1 = Runs terrible
    iPhone 4 simulator = Runs terrible
    iPhone 3GS simulator = Runs superb

    I'm assuming this must be an iPhone 4 issue (or a GS issue) seeing as an older iPhone can supposedly run it better? I'm about to try it all on my 2nd Gen iPod Touch to see how things are. I haven't found any threads by other users with this same problem so I'm not too sure what the problem is!
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    3GS Simulator is not a good barometer for game performance, it's basically an iPhone running at whatever speed your mac is!

    if it runs terrible on your iPhone 4, it's going to be terrible on all iDevices. Are you creating an AdHoc build to get it on your phone, or using the viewer? With the performance issues you're having, you really need to get that viewer working, it will give you valuable readouts on FPS, memory usage for audio, system, images, engine, stuff like that.

    The crashing you are talking about in your original post points to a bad rule like tshirt said. double check to make sure you don't have a lingering attribute.
  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    Thanks guys, yeah I've figured that if my iPhone 4 suffers, then they all should suffer. The crashing only refers to getting the GS Viewer to load so that I can fully test everything on a real device, but I just can't even get it to open. The slowdown when testing my app currently is through AdHoc. It's just a pain to have to remove things and find out where the problem lies by publishing it every time then syncing my iPhone, whereas if I could make the viewer work I could find it much quicker!
  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    Ahhh and now magically after who knows how many tries and resets, the viewer works. Now to try and fix my insane frame rate issues! Thanks for feedback :)
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    maybe upgrade to iOS 4.0.2 and rebuild viewer with latest xcode?
  • realmadrid1012realmadrid1012 Member Posts: 37
    i think it is a good game
    maplestory meso
    buy mesos
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