Should be able to. Gimp is very powerful, just ugly and has a tough learning curve compared to other apps. It uses X11, unfortunately... YUK.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
When i do an animation with gimp i set up all the layers and then you can save a .gif then i open the .gif in preview and you can save each layer by right clicking from there. O there wise i think you would have to copy and paste each layer into its own file then save which i felt would take a lot longer. I personally like GIMP better than Photoshop. But thats probably because i learned to use it before photoshop.
Will you be using the GIMP Animation Package? I haven't used it before but it looks cool!
I've also heard a lot of good things about Pixen but haven't had a chance to test it out. (It's for pixel -- rather than vector -- graphics though. It's also free.)
Thanks for all the advice guys! Erm no I haven't thought of using it I was going to use the animation behaviour on gs. I'll have a look at it but for the moment GIMP suits my needs
I've also heard a lot of good things about Pixen but haven't had a chance to test it out. (It's for pixel -- rather than vector -- graphics though. It's also free.)
Requires Flash but still great:
That SumoPaint is amazing. Damn near photoshop and web-based. Very slick!
Nice tip netdzynr!!!