calculation collision point

Im having a problem where by i need to detect when an actor collides with another, but I can't use overlap or collide because i'm using instances of an actor. I created a rule to detect when the actor xy = the other actor xy, but this obviously doesn't work when the collision isn't right on the centre.
I also tried setting rules for when x + 10 and y +10 etc but due to the actor coming in from random angles it doesn't work. Is my only way to create individual actors rather than instances?
Im having a problem where by i need to detect when an actor collides with another, but I can't use overlap or collide because i'm using instances of an actor. I created a rule to detect when the actor xy = the other actor xy, but this obviously doesn't work when the collision isn't right on the centre.
I also tried setting rules for when x + 10 and y +10 etc but due to the actor coming in from random angles it doesn't work. Is my only way to create individual actors rather than instances?
Have u tried tags?