Puzzle-Have an Actor be Destroyed Only If Other Actors Collided in Correct Orde

JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

So I am having trouble with this as well. I need to clear ,y head, I can't seem to get my head around much, hehe.

In my game I need the following:

One actor is to be destroyed, but only once 3 other actors have been collided with in the correct order.

I thought I had it, but I failed, so I need you guys help please! Thanks.


  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Oh, typical, it came to me 2 minutes after posting this. I had make 3 attributes, one for each actor, then these would be a rule, within a rule, so that anything in that rule, could only happen if the above rule was met.

    A little confusing, but if anyone wants to give it a go, and needs to know how to do it, let me know by replying here and I shall do my best to do a clear step by step. I imagine it could be quite a useful feature in puzzle games, but thats at a guess.
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