Load Attribute Problem - Everything is unlocked?

The game I'm working on at the moment so far features 30 levels. Luckily I had it planned out from the start, and created boolean attributes for each level that check if the player has been awarded for their efforts on each level.
So now I've just implemented the Load attribute into the title screen, and I've previewed it on my iPhone and it says that every level has earned the award when I haven't even played it. Until just now I've been using the Viewer on my iPhone, so it's not like the awards would have been saved previously. In the viewer I know the awards are working because each time I jump out of a level and goto the level select page only the levels with awards will highlight.
Am i missing something simple here?
EDIT: I might also add that everything is saving and loading correctly except for the Awards. So levels that I have unlocked save properly when I close the App and re-open it.
So now I've just implemented the Load attribute into the title screen, and I've previewed it on my iPhone and it says that every level has earned the award when I haven't even played it. Until just now I've been using the Viewer on my iPhone, so it's not like the awards would have been saved previously. In the viewer I know the awards are working because each time I jump out of a level and goto the level select page only the levels with awards will highlight.
Am i missing something simple here?
EDIT: I might also add that everything is saving and loading correctly except for the Awards. So levels that I have unlocked save properly when I close the App and re-open it.