educational games

please forgive the 'newbie' ness of my post .... but thats what i am :-)
is it possible to make an educational game with gamesalad ... based upon the corect answering of questions ?
Im only interested in simple questions with a yes or no answer ... which i assume could be saved in a variable ? and then acted upon in the next scene ?
many thanks
is it possible to make an educational game with gamesalad ... based upon the corect answering of questions ?
Im only interested in simple questions with a yes or no answer ... which i assume could be saved in a variable ? and then acted upon in the next scene ?
many thanks
You can make yes or no questions with rules...
If yes, change to scene #1
Otherwise, play error sound.
The answer to that choice could be saved with the "Change Attribute" behavior. If you're making a True or False test, you could make a summary at the end of the test.
im very very new.. to the world of gaming, is there any way i can employ a mentor on gamesalad to assist me with my project ?
Usually if you get stuck and post on the forums everyone is willing to help out as well.
What you are trying to do is more than possible, and probably rather easy depending on how many questions/ answers you need.
Good luck!
Photics: can i buy this in itunes ?
You can order a PDF copy through and then you can use the iTunes software to put the book on your iBooks capable iOS device.
as you play around and try things in GS you will find it does a lot of good things.
Generally, before you invest in a pdf and get inundated with information not pertinent to your projects or skill level, I would recommend that you explore the support section and the many free videos on youTube especially:
the gendai games channel
and make a very small project while you learn!
and there is the great Note make lots of notes to yourself in each Actor...
I was just trying to steer a newbie in the right direction for starting! come you are out here on the boards...and not in there on the beta?
I created "Little Game Show" in GameSalad. It has over 70 multiple choice questions. I rewrote it a number of times, but ended up creating one scene for every question because there was no clean way to organize data (like arrays). Maybe there is a better way to do this, but I couldn't figure it out. In each scene, I used a bunch of if/else statements like Photics mentioned - not very DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). When all was said and done, the performance was pretty poor. I need to rewrite it again and figure out a better way to do this because dealing with that many scenes in GS is a pain and sluggish.
Anyway, my point is - yes, it's possible to create quiz type games with GS, but you should try to have the questions and answers load dynamically (if possible) and avoid using LOTS of scenes because you end up with a lot of duplicate code which makes it very cumbersome if you need to make a small change - like adding a fourth choice.