Unreal Engine SDK coming for iOS

It's about to get even more crowded in the iOS platform development scene.
Looks like that awesome 3D engine used to make the incredible Epic Citadel demo previewed at the last keynote will be available for development for iOS devices first, eventually followed by Android.
Looks like that awesome 3D engine used to make the incredible Epic Citadel demo previewed at the last keynote will be available for development for iOS devices first, eventually followed by Android.
UDK is powerful too, I just make the comment because the majority of people here could not use it. Its also going to be more expensive than GS, or Unity.
The only engine I think is useless is Corona.
It's a simple low poly modeling, with baked shadows and textures from rendered high poly models.
Nothing special.
Sure, it looks good, but everybody could make such a demo with any engine, if he invest enough time into it.
A friend of mine, who is working with the professional paid Unreal Engine in game development for the biggest hungarian gamestudio told me, that it is a mess and one of the worst engines, he has ever seen. I don't know...I'm just telling, what he said.
I talk about the latest, professional version wich costs around a million or more dollars. I don't think, you were able to use it.
He was talking about toolsets and management and implementation, not about displaying graphics.
Every second grade university student can program an engine to display graphics.
I remember having read a few times on the web, how companies had issues with unreal development and therefore they couldn't come along with their development and they complained.
But you are right. It doesn't matter. People will use it anyway. I just wanted to point out, that an unreal engine will not automatically make you a game in a quality of Epic Citadel. An engine is an engine. It can draw what you created on the display. It doesn't turn crappy models into high quality assets.
Epic Citadel is still a low poly scene crafted very smart, but who understands 3D modeling, recognizes immediately where they cheated.
Those cheats you could use in any other engine too.
Will Killing Floor be ported?
Will all those other great Unreal Engine games be ported?
We'll just have to wait and see