creating certificates

rafael123rafael123 Member Posts: 5
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hello people :) I know this has probably been asked about a hundred times but please if you can, help the newbie out. How do I create certificates? I just got started with Game Salad and so far have downloaded iphone viewer 0.8.9 and am now watching Tshirtbooth's Youtube video on installing Game Salad viewer but I haven't been able to get past creating the certificates section that is about 2:50 mins into the video. Please help with this and any other start-up, documentation help, etc. Thanks :))))


  • Martin14Martin14 Member Posts: 109
    Are you Apple developer ?? you can only do if you are Apple develpper !
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    Right on @Martin14!

    you can wait for those things till you feel you have created something good.
    GameSalad will still let you play, work, and develop!

    You can Preview your work in GS Preview and from there in Web Preview.

    and to start with, I think those Previews are all you need to test functionality and lay-out. (But yuck on the graphics Target Platform is iPad in Web Preview.)

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