Help with Physics !

TheTTheT Member Posts: 80
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
this forum had been an good resource so far, and I like to thank everybody who helped me by now. However I ran into a really hard problem I try to solve now already for some time. I have these actors on the "ground" which fire on actors falling down. I made these actors to collide with the bullets so the player can "slow down" the falling actors to some amount. However, if too much firepower is used, the falling actors just stop falling and twist around upside. To keep them from doing that I created a rule saying "if motion speed y is < -20" put it back to "-20" (it's negative because it's falling. I also put "fixed rotation" on to keep the actor from rotating and going in the wrong direction. But nonetheless, they can be still pushed up again with enough firepower. Can somebody please help me ? I need to somehow give them them again their minium falling speed if the slow too much down (if under a certain motion speed).
Help is greatly appreciated.


  • Fafnir312Fafnir312 Member Posts: 161
    Try using > instead of <. If motion speed y is > -20 put it back to -20. After all -10 > -20 and -30 < -20

    Maybe that'll help. That's the first thing that occurred to me.
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