Company Logo

I need someone to design me a company logo. Doesn't need to be professional. I just want something that represent my company. I only want the logo to be 2 letters. Z and I (i no L)
iDevice Application Company
Logo is Z and I (not L)
I want it to be like a dollar sign $ where S is replaced with Z and the lines are the letter I.
White & Black color doesn't change how the logo look. (i.e. Gameloft, Apple, Microsoft) They can put it anywhere and people will know it's them.
Dark theme, metallic font if possible.
Please give me your contact info.
My budget is very limited.
Thank You!!
I need someone to design me a company logo. Doesn't need to be professional. I just want something that represent my company. I only want the logo to be 2 letters. Z and I (i no L)
iDevice Application Company
Logo is Z and I (not L)
I want it to be like a dollar sign $ where S is replaced with Z and the lines are the letter I.
White & Black color doesn't change how the logo look. (i.e. Gameloft, Apple, Microsoft) They can put it anywhere and people will know it's them.
Dark theme, metallic font if possible.
Please give me your contact info.
My budget is very limited.
Thank You!!
send me an email to office [at] fanstudio []
@Andreib21 will contact you soon
here is my site
It does jump off the page! but Sphint said metal!
Think I ought to do an icon for my profile!
where else can you do them so fast???
BTW I think thats awesome.
That looks amazing!! How did you design it so fast?
If you don't mind, can you send me the file so I can edit the "Company Name" part?
THANKS AGAIN!!! in most skills, many, many years go into getting to the stage where you can do them fast & good. & you caught me at the time when I had just spent the week researching subliminal messages in logos! so thought the person jumping for joy was a better message than dirty old money!
think it would be best if you sent me the company name & I place it in...I'm fussy about all the little details. will do a contact sheet.
email in the link.
@Sphint I read the very limited budget...and that is no problem with me.
Thank You!