Graphic development on Photoshop

I have just retired and am going to try to make a game or two for the iPod touch. Starting from scratch, I need a tool for creating graphics. I see lots of people on this site suggesting Photoshop, but that seems a bit wierd to me. Isn't PS primarily aimed at photo editing rather than graphic development? Anyway, I would like your thoughts on a good graphics development program and preferably easier to learn that the powerful Adobe products.
Anyway, if its too much I would suggest Paint Shop Pro if you are on a Windows box. If you are on a Mac, I would suggest Photoline or Pixelmator. If you want free, try the GIMP.
Also, you might want to look into 3D modeling/ray tracing apps like Modo, Lightwave, Maya, 3DMax, etc. A cheap decent modeler for the Mac is Cheetah 3D. A VERY good free option is Blender 3D.
Personally, I use:
ArtRage Pro
Bryce 6.1
and for Audio creating I use Band in a Box or Garage Band
Pixen is also good but has some bugs
Photoshop does have a learning curve but isn't too hard just a bit overwhelming at first
Gimp is free Photoshop alternative
Sumopaint is also good
Photoshop can be intimidating but once you get into it, you'll actually discover that you will use very few of it's many tools. Many of my students freak out but you you simply pick and choose the tools you need for the tasks you want to work on.
Also, keep in mind that at one time you didn't know how to drive, how to walk, etc. Learning software is the same. Take your time and the skills will become second nature in a few weeks:)
Have fun!