Can I shrink an actors area...

goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
By this I mean, I have a circle illustration and the actor is a box. When the circle jumps onto a platform, there is a good inch/inch and a half on the bottom that doesn't make my illustration touch the platform at all (hopefully I am making sense). I am doing a doodle
Jump game and my actor is a circle but the "detection area" is a bigger square. When I try shrinking it, the illustration shrinks as well.

I tried making it's detection area a circle instead of a square but it doesn't change.

My thinking was to make a separate actor and "paste" an invisible actor over my
Illustration for it to have better detection. Again I hope I am making
Sense here. Thanks for any help.


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