Need help with a Rule.
Member Posts: 22
Im trying to make apart of my game where i have 2 actors that touch 2 goals (one actor) to change the scence but I cant seem to make it work. Any suggestions?
Rule - when overlaps with goal1 change game.goal1 to 1
Rule - when overlaps with goal2 change game.goal2 to 1
Rule - when game.goal1 is true
------Rule - when game.goal2 is true
-----------change scene
Thanks for the help!
Can any one help?
Here is what I would do:
create attribute game.goal (integer)
when actor overlaps or collides with actor of type goal
change attribute game.goal to game.goal+1
when game.goal = 2
change scene ....
change attribute game.goal to 0
This will make it re-playable.