Suggestions for a forum cleanup and upgrade?

BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
While Gendai has put together a decent, custom forum server app, it's obviously going through some changes and upgrades. In the meantime, the moderators have been tasked to perform routine maintenance in cleaning up and moving posts where they would better be suited, generally helping out the community, providing feedback and suggestions on how all of this can be improved.

One of the things that I saw that could improve were different sections of the forum. A lot of posts ended up in "Working with GameSalad," but that is such a vague description anyway. Granted, it's broken down a bit, but I think it can and should be even more granular.

Also, I still believe competition is healthy and ultimately benefits the end-user, so there should be a forum for "Other GDKs" where we all can objectively compare and contrast GameSalad against other engines and development tools.

While I have submitted some change requests that Gendai is currently considering, I would like to get the rest of the community's suggestions and perspective to improve for all our benefits.

So, lay it on the table. What would you like to see here in the Forums section that you think would benefit yourself and your fellow developers? Inquiring minds really do want to know.


  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    That all sounds good. We need signatures though. That way we can all spam each other with our apps.

  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Being able to PM someone...that's a given. I take it they're using BBEdit which is Wordpress/'s not that great I use it for my game site - somewhat featureless if you ask me. They should switch to one of the bigger forum systems.

    The search functionality sucks.

    Can't see my previous posts if I want to back track and find what I wrote about a problem.

    And just some basic Social networking integration.
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    1. Better search facility - the current one is the worst I have ever used in a forum!

    2. I mentioned this before but an how about an Items for sale section - so we can sell old kit such as Macs, iTouches and iPhones etc to good Game Salad homes!
  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    Yet again, I'm going to say a better search.

    I mean, sometimes when I use it the 'recent posts' are from 1 year ago!

    The ability to post the itunes info, i.e. TA style, when posting about your app would be cool.
  • jstrahanjstrahan Member Posts: 498
    Graphic tutorials
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    A tips and tricks section, an "advanced issues" section, and a +1 on a tutorials section (per jstrahan).

    Also make the announce your game section with more sub categories...such as:
    GS Games in Progress
    Published GS Games
    Other Non-Game GS Apps
    New GS Game Concepts

    It would also be nice to have a button to "remove thread locally" to basically filter out threads that you aren't interested in.
  • jstrahanjstrahan Member Posts: 498
    +1 syn

    only problem with announce your game subs. is it would require constant moderation to move games from games in progress to published games but i do like the idea
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Search. Other forums provide you a list of threads based on your search in the same list format as the main forum not a list of individual posts that don't ever seem to have anything to do with what you looking for. This is the hard forum i have ever used to find info through search.

    Oh and I think mods should immediately delete threads who post new topics with titles like "help!!!", "im Confused", etc...
  • jstrahanjstrahan Member Posts: 498
    i agree with search ive used it a few times but usually end up going back page by page in the forum until i find what im looking for which leads me to my next suggestion
    instead of having 1,2,.............348 at bottom how about
    1,2,3,4,......348 then if u click on 4 u get
    1,...5,6,7,....348 that way u can advance more than 1 page at a time
  • iDeveloperiDeveloper Member Posts: 441
    I would like GS to go with MyBB. Fastest forum creation. Category and Forum privacy options right on the create a forum/category screen.
  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    Maybe uploading pictures with the post besides making an imageshack.
  • vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192

    It might seem obvious to others but many times you sous folks dial up some code, and it works but there could be a bit more help in showing people WHY IT WORKS, a tutorial that says, ok you do this now, and this is why, and now you do this and this is why this works. Its more work but in the end the code set for all involved would be much better. This is quicker than waiting for a definitive doc for GS, I use some code that works, its from others but I in the end am not sure why it works the way it does.

    Ok I am a bit further along with GS than claiming I am a total newbie but WHY it WORKS would be a great section.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Shizane said:
    Being able to PM someone...that's a given. I take it they're using BBEdit which is Wordpress/'s not that great I use it for my game site - somewhat featureless if you ask me. They should switch to one of the bigger forum systems.

    I think you meant bbPress. The software you mentioned is a text editor.

    I think vBulletin would be an improvement, but that software is high maintenance.

    ...and signatures are possible.

    Michael Garofalo
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Photics said:
    ...and signatures are possible.

    Michael Garofalo

    Copying and pasting your signature doesnt count. Unless theres a REAL way to do it.
  • GRIDGRID Member Posts: 30
    Forum icons so I can tell w hich posts I've replied too by looking at the list of topics.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Photics said:
    I think you meant bbPress. The software you mentioned is a text editor.

    I think vBulletin would be an improvement, but that software is high maintenance.

    ...and signatures are possible.

    Haha yeah oops, that's what I meant. I was cooking dinner while trying to write my post at the same time ;)

    Michael Garofalo

  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Actually, any one of those popular forum packages would be great, especially with iPhone apps such as Tapatalk that can directly access the board.


    If they made their forum iPhone-friendly like their homepage does, I'd be using the board even more often.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    chosenonestudios said:
    Copying and pasting your signature doesnt count. Unless theres a REAL way to do it.

    1) I'm not copying and pasting a signature.
    2) It looks like a real signature to me.
    3) bbPress is actually pretty good. There are some plug-ins that would make the forums better.

    Michael Garofalo
  • jstrahanjstrahan Member Posts: 498
    Haven't figured out on the iPhone when reading post and u hit the back button to go back to the forum home page sometimes it brings u back sometimes it brings u back to a forum page from days ago is it the iPhone safari or GS forum
    It works fine on iPhone opera so don't think it's the phone
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Photics said:
    1) I'm not copying and pasting a signature.
    2) It looks like a real signature to me.

    Michael Garofalo

    Using macros doesn't count either.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    chosenonestudios said:
    Using macros doesn't count either.

    1) It's not a Macro.
    2) I see you editing out my link in your blockquotes. :)
    Michael Garofalo
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    I'm too nice sometimes...


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Photics said:
    1) It's not a Macro.
    2) I see you editing out my link in your blockquotes. :)
    Michael Garofalo

    1. Whatever your using doesn't count. Short of modifying the forum.
    2. Yeah, the links bother me. I don't want them in my posts. Haha
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Oh, for your Wii vs. PS3 article. I'd like to point out that the XBOX 360 had netflix first:) And it works the best.
  • SpeedyMcWolfSpeedyMcWolf Member Posts: 6
    How about making this website game creator software compatible with the iPad if possible? Thanks if you do.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Just a thought but there are a bunch of stickys in these forum categories that maybe are best suited to hold most of the other stickies on the main page.

    What I mean is each category has stickys along with the main page and each category has sticky's that are not also stickys on the main page.

    So why not leave everything that is a sticky as a sticky but only in the category and not the main page. this will clean up the front page a ton and only having one or two stickys when a very important post is placed as a sticky it can go on main page for a week and then drop back to just its category. then all we will have is welcome/rules/guidelines sticky and a FAQ/how-to sticky.

    Any other sticky would still show up in the main list if a post is made. so if there is really interest in that topic it will be visible, but after say a week or two of no input it will disappear from the main page but stay at the top of a category so if someone needs it they can find it. you could even link all of the category stickys in the FAQ sticky so it could be quickly referenced when some asks about publishing issue we can say look at the FAQ there is a link to a very in depth discussion on this and you can prob find your answer there.

    Hope that makes sense. it would be nice to clean that area up quite a bit.

    Oh and sorry for resurrecting an old post but hey its better than creating a new repeat one right? ;)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    sorry to bump a topic that really has only any use to sou-chefs or head chefs but I just thought of a for instance this thread is a sticky in suggestions but not on the main page most of the stickys would be best suited for a similar placement in there categories and not on the main page.
  • digifordigifor Member Posts: 1
    Is there a math expert here? I'd like to see some sort of Math Lab section in the forums for those of us who are new to everything and haven't used this kind of math in 30 years. With some examples on how to convert trig equations we find to equations in the editor - for example a rose curve (stumbled upon) that would move an actor along the path of the curve. I've watched some of the videos that tshirtbooth has posted, but the size is so small I can't really see what he's doing.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Ok so a month has past since my last suggestion on forum cleanup was posted and to no surprise its still a mess.
    I did notice someone finally dropped the old welcome sticky.

    So in regards to the stickies.

    Feature feedback requests - been closed a month and we've had 2 releases since that thread. it can prob go.

    Big picture - again two releases have come out since that thread and the last post was two weeks

    Working with GameSalad Publishing issues - Great information there unfortunately we still get constant new threads that could be solved by this. might as well drop it back to a working with GS only sticky

    Cook videos Sticky - Again Great stuff in there drop it back to a working with GS only Sticky and link it in the FAQ Sticky and in the wiki

    Global Game Jam - Done and gone loose the sticky

    GameSalad Accelerator - Really not gone anywhere. Drop it back to an category only sticky or drop the sticky ll together.

    New and Noteworthy - lately has mainly gotten sub category N&N listings (i'm even guilty of that) should be closed and only added to by sous-chefs if a game is N&N on a main page or main category. if not drop it off the main page stickies most people start a new thread anyway when they find their game featured.

    GS tools sticky - Awesome stuff but should just be a market sticky.

    GameSalad 0.9.2 should be monitored and dropped once its dormant for a few weeks.

    I understand sous-chefs not removing GS stickies but maybe you guys could put some pressure on the Staff to do some clean up. these suggestions will immediately remove 8 of the 11 stickies on the main page and I feel are reasonable way to clean it up a bit without losing the threads all together. a clean up like this will make it much more obvious when something new and important comes along and is posted as a sticky.

    Well theres my 2cents for the forum cleanup post this month hopefully we can look back in a month and see some results.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
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