alpha > 0.5 and alpha

chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there

I have a ball/actor that becomes active when self.color.alpha is < 0.5 and is inactive when self.color.alpha is > 0.5

the idea being that if actor receives event touch is pressed and the game.triggerBall (integer) = 1 it sets the game.triggerBall to 0.. inactive

this seems to work about 60% of the time...

everything else works fine... its just that it randomly decides if this command works.. so its not full proof..

does any one have an idea of why this may or may not work?

I also have a boolean on the ball called alpha and in the game scene but these do not work for me...

thanks, i appreciate any feedback on this


  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    ok i didnt have a check alpha on when the ball is triggerd that says when alpha is greater then 0.5 drop ball.. this seems to make it more stable...
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