resolution independents shrinks image?

I made my guy width 36 and height 44. I opened GS, set it to resolution independents, and dragged him into the game. Then he was width 18 and height 22 (half the size). I went to home and turned resolution independents off then dragged him into the screen again. The new one i dragged in was the right size. Should this happen?
Then in the game...layout at the low resolution...but use images twice the size.
For example...a button in the game is 32x32 pixels.
The actor will be 32x32 but the image inside the actor is 64x64.
GameSalad will automatically create the 32x32 low res image when you compile the app. It will also then automatically rename the original 64x64 image with the @2x suffix...which will tell the 4G devices to use the RI graphic inside the 32x32 object.
In short....the 4G iPhone has a screen graph that is 320x480 that is the same as the 3G. However...the 4G has 4 pixels on the screen for every single pixel on the 3G...which gives it the higher resolution. This is what allows a 4G to display both 3G and 4G apps universally.
I recommend you re-think your position against retina display resolution embracing it will make your game (and any game for that matter) look 10 times better on those 4G devices. Plus it gives you a sales point in your description: "Game Supports Retina Display Resolution".