Control Camera
Well TSB I decided that while I have the game up in review I was going to start working on an update which will include more text, music since I finally got it and some bug fixes. I am kind of a neat freak so I started the app all over again from scratch. WHAT! I know I figured this would benefit me in the long run as well because I'm getting more hands on with GS but I have ran into some trouble with the Control Cam in the game. I don't have a clue how you managed to get it to work. I can get the cam to show me the title screen but can't get it to switch between scenes instantly. I listened to what you said about using my actual buttons as the actors instead of adding the actor to them as well. I am looking at the original app for reference but I don't see more then one cam actor so I guess that's out of the question. If you could just tell me how you managed to make the cam switch scenes that would be awesome. Thanks again for all the help you've been I appreciate it.