Expression abbreviation meanings and uses...

mercyparkmercypark Member Posts: 20
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
In the expression editor I have created a rule that will spawn a random set of objects that I have created. Here lies the problem... I have created 16 objects, created an OBJECT attribute, and a rule that says

if a button is pressed than change attribute object to RANDOM (1,16) and destroy the current object...

It all works until the game decides to spawn the same object 2 times in a row. then the screen doesn't spawn anything until the button is pressed again.

So my question is 2 fold. Is there an expression that will allow me to randomly change an attribute but not change it to the same one twice?

And i know what random does in the drop down list of abbreviated expressions, but is there a list of meanings and their functions to the rest of the abbreviations?



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