Actor Freezes when Colliding with other objects

millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an actor who is set to collide with a tagged group of actors called "surfaces". In this group I have the ground plane and other "blocks" and obstacles that our "hero" must jump over or climb. Included in this group is also an object thrown by an enemy that lands on the ground around the player.

The actor's movement is done via acceleration when two things are true.
1) button right (or left) is pressed
2) actor collides with actors with tag of the aforementioned "surfaces" group.

Here is my issue.

The actor moves fine along the ground plane until he bumps into any of the other objects included in the surfaces tag. At this point the actor freezes (as if he is not touching anything).

When I check his Position Y it shows he is still on the ground which should be a valid point of movement.

What is going on? Any ideas?


  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    You momentarily lost contact with the ground, yet reconnection didn't register... maybe?

    I'm just guessing.
  • millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
    Maybe I should simplify this by creating an actor boolean attribute called "canmove" and make a rule that every .5 seconds check to see if player is colliding with the tagged group of Surface and if its true make CanMove true. Then I can change his move dependence to be related to the CanMove attribute instead of the group. Would that fix it or end up the same....hmmm...must try.
  • millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
    That definitely fixed it. Though I hope it doesn't effect performance too badly.
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