Need voice overs...who to contact?

expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
anyone here do VoiceOvers or have a company that hires people to do voice overs?

I need a voice of a baby saying a bunch of stuff, in very good quality sound. Are voice overs expensive??

Sparkyidr, does your music company specialize in this?


  • CapCap Member Posts: 225
    I thought a member here called VoiceExpress would do stuff like this, but I'm not sure.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Hi arton

    I can record voiceovers here yes. And have a pool of talent I can call on for things like this.
    Recording babies/children is a fairly specialised job

    Will ask around to see if I can borrow one first ;o)

    Drop me an email with a rough idea of what you need
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Sparkyidr said:
    Hi arton

    I can record voiceovers here yes. And have a pool of talent I can call on for things like this.
    Recording babies/children is a fairly specialised job

    Will ask around to see if I can borrow one first ;o)

    Drop me an email with a rough idea of what you need

    That's good to know, Sparky - I'd ideally like some voice talent for an upcoming project - it's a little way off happening, but as I said, 'good to know' :D


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Crazy Triple Post!

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Sparkyidr said:
    Hi arton

    I can record voiceovers here yes. And have a pool of talent I can call on for things like this.
    Recording babies/children is a fairly specialised job

    Will ask around to see if I can borrow one first ;o)

    Drop me an email with a rough idea of what you need

    That's good to know, Sparky - I'd ideally like some voice talent for an upcoming project - it's a little way off happening, but as I said, 'good to know' :D


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Sparkyidr said:
    Hi arton

    I can record voiceovers here yes. And have a pool of talent I can call on for things like this.
    Recording babies/children is a fairly specialised job

    Will ask around to see if I can borrow one first ;o)

    Drop me an email with a rough idea of what you need

    That's good to know, Sparky - I'd ideally like some voice talent for an upcoming project - it's a little way off happening, but as I said, 'good to know' :D


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    Morgan Freeman
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Linda Hunt :) She was a great Narrator for God of War :)

    I also LOVE Morgan Freeman, and James Earl Jones, both spectacular!
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    Tony Hopkins! I hear he does a great baby voice!
  • RiffelRiffel Member Posts: 1,272
    artonskyblue said:
    anyone here do VoiceOvers or have a company that hires people to do voice overs?

    I need a voice of a baby saying a bunch of stuff, in very good quality sound. Are voice overs expensive??

    Sparkyidr, does your music company specialize in this?

    send me an e-mail
    marcosriffel at hotmail dot com
  • MorganGerhardMorganGerhard PRO Posts: 14
    I can help you out, but it won't be cheap... I've recorded all the dialog for the Uncharted series, Gears of War, Ratchet & Clank, etc. here in Burbank.

    As far as a young baby voice that says a lot of stuff, I would really push you to a union voice of like... Kath Susay, or Nika Futterman or Tera Strong.. Unfortunatly, they are usually double scale to even get them in the door for an hour (i.e. $1,800)

    I work for Technicolor as so I could probably get the studio rate down to about $200/hour.

    I know that's a lot of money, but these are some of the best voices in the world.


  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    @morgangerhard, sorry that's too pricey for me, and I don't need amazing voice quality, it's not too big of a thing in my game
    I just need something simple and reasonably priced. I think ive already found my guy tho

    And it doesn't necessarily need to be a baby voice, it could also be a grown up, bit with a very kid friendly and clear voice
  • MorganGerhardMorganGerhard PRO Posts: 14
    No problem. Another way to go is something called:
    kinda like elance for voices.
    You tell 'em what you want & they record it at home for a pre agreed upon price.

    Cheers :)
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