Ipad Development

vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Doing my first game for Ipad, and wonder if there are any issues with GS that I should be aware of. Also, when provisioning the mobile file. there is nothing that states it is ipad only or did I miss something? Thanks


  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    think you specify that it is iPad only in distribution profile...

    my only problem with GS is that 100% view in Preview...doesn't show the whole screen...
    but 50% is fine for simple checks of functionality and interface looks.
    and as you go along, just Preview on your iPad with GS Viewer.

  • vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192
    thanks MH have you tried the HD settings do they work, I seem to be getting a conflict not sure yet.
  • vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192
    yep when I try to do the HD version it says I am limited to 1024 by 768 either landscape or portrait, Am I missing something.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    You don't actually specify that it's for the iPad anywhere - when you publish with GS it knows (because you've told it) and then you upload to Apple and Apple in turn knows it's for the iPad.

    Also, when you say HD - what does that have to do with 1024 by 768? Is this about your images shrinking once imported? (Forgive me if I misunderstood, I'm about to go to bed, very tired ^-^;)
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    HD ...I stay away from that...distortion

    as HIgh-Density is a video format...think it is for wide-screen web layout...and wide-screen videos... it stretches graphics.

    iPad is 1024x768 and that is the optimum display size for your work...(132dpi though 72dpi looks great on it.)

    some people have HD added to their game name, though the display isn't the HD ratio in GS.

    maybe someone who has used it ...could explain ???

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