Moving actor forwards relative to the actor
looked for a tutorial/demo for this and an explanation couldnt find it. (probably just blind)
any suggestions?
basically i have an actor that is following another actor. i can get the rotation, i can get it to move directly at the actor. but i would like the actor to move in the direction it is pointed rather than just sliding.
any suggestions?
basically i have an actor that is following another actor. i can get the rotation, i can get it to move directly at the actor. but i would like the actor to move in the direction it is pointed rather than just sliding.
You have Actor A and Actor B.
You want Actor B to follow Actor A.
However, you do not want Actor B to move to Actor A, but to move in the same direction?
And who is sliding? Is that an animation issue or a directional movement issue?
Actor A is target
Actor B is follower
First i'd like for B to rotate towards A and then move, not slide while rotating. (like a tank on treads)
Second i'd like for B to rotate towards A while moving in the direction the "treads" are pointed, which would create a kind of arc effect.