Opinions On My Company Site Please!

So I just finished re-working my game company site (the one I use for my app store stuff) and would like your opinion on it.
The previous site was made by me with iWeb but it looked really amateur. Now it is using wordpress and with a bit of modification by me, i think it looks really good now.
I would really like some feedback on it though!
The previous site was made by me with iWeb but it looked really amateur. Now it is using wordpress and with a bit of modification by me, i think it looks really good now.
I would really like some feedback on it though!
Can't believe I forgot to post the link. My bad
Thank you!
small world.
To get back on topic though... looks fine. Deffo seems to have all the info you need on there etc.
Only thing I would comment on, is the header looks a little cluttered with the image and then a lot of text under it before you get to the content.
Yeah maybe I should reduce the text size a bit...
EDIT : done, looks better now, thanks for the advice
Also if anyone is looking for a free and easy alternative, just go to freewebs.com
"Angry Dogs – Draw!" is aligned left, while "Angry Dogs – Jump : Hits The App Store" is centered.
That's the only issue I saw, and it isn't even a real issue - I probably only noticed it because I'm used to looking for stuff like that.
Great site overall
Thought I already modified that post to aligned left :P Fixed now anywhoo.
Appreciate all the feedback guys
Someone should really write a "Guide to making a website with wordpress"
How much does it cost for a domain name?
My 2 sites:
email me and I would be more than happy to help!!
What is your email?
I can do sites for others for a small fee if you would like
If you are trying to setup Wordpress and run into problems, email me. (my username at gmail)
I'm happy to help.
Do you have your own server/webhost? If not i have plenty of space should you need it.
Do you have your own domain?
You will have full control when it is finished
Do you have your own domain name?
And no, I wil set it all up for you then it will be just a case of you going to www.yoursite.com and working the magic, all set up for you. You will just have to make the posts etc
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