no ... iiPhone/iPad doesn't scale (with whole numbers)
but, most games for iPhone/iPod do display and run just fine on iPad both at 1x and 2x (buttons on iPad)
so continue working on your project...and test the final stages on an iPad... if you don't have an iPad... ask here in the forum and someone will volunteer to do an iPad test for you.
iPhone 3 3GS/ touches etc 480 x 320 y
iPhone 4 960 x 640 y 326 dpi 800:1 contrast ratio
iPad 1024 x 768 y
no ... iiPhone/iPad doesn't scale (with whole numbers)
but, most games for iPhone/iPod do display and run just fine on iPad both at 1x and 2x (buttons on iPad)
so continue working on your project...and test the final stages on an iPad...
if you don't have an iPad... ask here in the forum and someone will volunteer to do an iPad test for you.
ipad 1.33r ≈ Academy ratio