Mac OSX Lion
Lets try to change topic for a moment... You are ll posting the same stuff about what you think about GS Direct. I think they have got the point. Let them find a solution.
In the mean time could i hear some opinions of what you think awaits us at the 2oth October WWDC??
Mac OSX Lion??
For those who don't know what i am talking about:
In the mean time could i hear some opinions of what you think awaits us at the 2oth October WWDC??
Mac OSX Lion??
For those who don't know what i am talking about:
I'll get a chance to empty my wallet on another Mac!
More speed!
Ok, done.
(Whew, good thing we're not on Windows! LOL)
Either way the iOS and MaxOSX betas are live for Devs
It is required for printing with iOS 4.2
Also LOL!
Yeah what 30 bucks or something?
I will be buying a new laptop in the next couple of months so I wonder if they will have a new model by then!?
It's funny how excited I feel when apple has any press conference, even the small ones get me all giddy!