i Just Wanna Make Some Games!

Hello, everyone.
I understand some of you may be leaving GameSalad, some of you are on the fence, and some of you are staying. That obviously is going to split up a lot of the people who have established themselves here, and those who are somewhat reluctant to move on.
After plenty of requests and suggestions, I have decided to open up a new blog and forum for all independent game developers.
Naturally, I've called it http://www.iJustWannaMakeSomeGames.com or http://www.ijwmsg.us for short.
I've customized it so that we'll not only have private messages, but full attachment capability, embedded images, full-on signatures, more robust forum control, and even native iPhone/iPod touch/Android support with Tapatalk (http://www.tapatalk.com). I am, of course, looking for blog contributors and forum moderators to help out, too. Contact me directly for details.
I really hope many or all of you can sign up and situate yourself there to make it vibrant and lively, positive and professional, and learn, compare, and use the best tools of the trade - no matter what they are, and find the right way to publish, market, and promote your creations.
This is in no way intended to make users defect from here. I just wanted to keep as many of you together, keep you happy and passionate about game making, and pool the best of our resources and talents, not from just this site, but from everywhere else, too.
After all, at the end of the day, I just wanna make some games.
I understand some of you may be leaving GameSalad, some of you are on the fence, and some of you are staying. That obviously is going to split up a lot of the people who have established themselves here, and those who are somewhat reluctant to move on.
After plenty of requests and suggestions, I have decided to open up a new blog and forum for all independent game developers.
Naturally, I've called it http://www.iJustWannaMakeSomeGames.com or http://www.ijwmsg.us for short.
I've customized it so that we'll not only have private messages, but full attachment capability, embedded images, full-on signatures, more robust forum control, and even native iPhone/iPod touch/Android support with Tapatalk (http://www.tapatalk.com). I am, of course, looking for blog contributors and forum moderators to help out, too. Contact me directly for details.
I really hope many or all of you can sign up and situate yourself there to make it vibrant and lively, positive and professional, and learn, compare, and use the best tools of the trade - no matter what they are, and find the right way to publish, market, and promote your creations.
This is in no way intended to make users defect from here. I just wanted to keep as many of you together, keep you happy and passionate about game making, and pool the best of our resources and talents, not from just this site, but from everywhere else, too.
After all, at the end of the day, I just wanna make some games.

I'm not planning on leaving this community. At least, not before my GameSalad subscription ends. HA HA. I think Gendai Games will come to their senses. GameSalad Direct® is actually a good idea for beginners. If the Pro version of GameSalad returns, even at $1999 per year, then I think the majority of GameSalad developers can be happy.
But this sounds awesome, BTT. I'll register and such when I get time later today
I'd also like to point out it took BTT 1 day to set a better forum system then the current GS one. How sad for GS.
Thanx for caring about everyone, @ BTT!
is NOT about bitchin' and moaning'
... it's about helping each other to make the best games we can!
though you can Vent as much as you like!
@TSB your presence would please everyone...and you could focus on the GameSalad section!
Cool place! Been there, signed up.