How do you make those amazing graphics!?!?!?!?!?

How do you guys make those amazing graphics? Do you start with stock photos, scanning hand drawn stuff, or 3D models? Like on FMG's grisly manor, how did he make those amazing graphics????
Then layers and layers of hand painting on top of that. Plus lots of layer effects. Everything is done in Photoshop.
There are a bazillion amazing Photoshop tutorials around the net. Check some out to help you get started.
I also went to art school and have been working in the software industry as an artist for almost 20 years now...
1) Model your game UI and objects
2) Render the static objects/backgrounds
3) Render the animations
4) Assemble the animations into sprite sheets (or whatever depending...)
In other words if you can't draw, use a 3D modeler and ray trace the results. You can bake all the 3D procedural textures into texture maps + ambient occlusion map and combine them as layers using multiply. Normal maps can also be used for high detail.
Basically use a 3D app to make the 2D graphics.
If you can't model, you can buy the models or at that point you may as well just buy stock stuff. But be sure to read the release forms, sometimes you can use them in commercial products, but you cannot use them to make a main character/brand. In other words you cant make a character other than generic.
Edit: I use Cheetah 3D and Modo 401 for modeling and animation. if its real complex animation, I use Blender 3D.
Edit: Other useful tools:
* Filter Forge (works stand alone without PS). - Can be used to generate all kinds of textures!
* Bryce 7.x - Can be used to generate landscapes.
* Make Human - Make human 3D figures, take them into modeler and distort them to make zombies or whatever. Then render the results
One can also use Poser to generate human poses.
Here is a sequence I made last year:
The images can be placed in virtual surroundings. Tailor-made spaces I make in Art of illusion.
But don't be too happy: such work takes weeks, sometime months!
I feel I've got a natural apptitude for art, I paint, draw and am really into photography. If you don't feel you do, try other areas first to explore, but most importantly it does take practice like anything. Once you find your style, go with it!