App Loader question, my app isn't listed
Member Posts: 133
I have my compiled app from GS. I have certs and profiles. I setup all the info in iTunes Connect. Now, when i launch the App Loader, this particular app is not in the drop down. What step did i miss?
Also, when i upload the zipped file i get a "Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate" How do i get a valid signing identity? I already when through the tutorials and guess i missed a step?
Here is what i have in the provisioning portal. I have downloaded everything and double clicked it.
Under Certificates-->Development, i have one person (me). The profile list shows a couple of games and a "Team Provisioning". The status is Issued.
Under Certificates-->Distribution, i have 1 person, the profiles are the 2 games i am trying to submit. The status is issued.
Under App IDs--> I have the list of the apps.
Under Provisioning-->Development My games show up, their status is active. Also have a Team Provisioning Profile thats active.
Under Provisioning-->Distribution, My games show up, their status is active.
I can get my compiled app back from GS with no probs. I zip them, and use the app loader.
I just keep getting that stupid error!!!!
frankly when i first started i put everything in my keychain
I have like 12 apps and only once had the code sign error when the app title in GS final publish did not match the title I was trying to upload Example gumball copter I tried to upload but GS had selected my other app ghost words as the profile. It has 2 lines at top right of publish screen and they both need to say the same app name. At least that is how mine are set up. Wish I could take over your mac and see what's going on