What do you suggest I do?



  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    scitunes said:
    they pay monthly but you get the previous month's sales and it doesn't usually show up in your back account until the end of the following month. So a sale you make on Nov. 1st doesnt go into your bank account until Dec 20-something

    Thanks for the info, that will be very useful to know. ^_^
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Chaser said:
    At the rate things are going with GS you're better off starting a foot porn site taking payments through paypal!
    And you'd probably look back when you're porn rich and say thanks Chaser

    ... I'll keep that in mind
  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    tenrdrmer said:
    I seem to remember you complaining about your posts getting deleted. this may be the reason. every time i see you post a comment it is so negative it's really unhelpful at and then really just hijacks the topic. just one man opinion though. ;)

    Probably an alt but anyway, you think what you like. I am a realist, and I state the facts. My data can be backed up, can you show me where the majority of people get rich or even live off game salad? I think not... Next...
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