I'm reconsidering opening an game asset store. But I'm not sure what stuff is most needed. And It would not be priced so extremely low like this sound collection (charge more Photics):) Link to some of my stuff: http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=12653
dhondon said: I'm reconsidering opening an game asset store. But I'm not sure what stuff is most needed. And It would not be priced so extremely low like this sound collection (charge more Photics):)
I do think that the sound collect is selling for much cheaper than it should, but hopefully that leads to a lot of sales. I'm glad that so many people are happy with the textbook. That's the level of quality I'm trying to maintain for this project – something that really helps developers and makes them happy. I could probably charge more for these sound effects, but that would likely lead to less customers. I'd rather build up a reputation for quality sound effects.
Maybe the GameSalad salad team should hire me. I could create a lot of useful stuff for the community... tutorials, sound files, graphics files. I could set up a GameSalad Marketplace, but moving to Austin is not an option... so perhaps Photics.com will be a place for people to buy the game assets that they're looking for. It depends on the success of this project.
artonskyblue said: Could you give us a preview of 2-3 sound effects?
I'm planning something called "Free .WAV Wednesday", where I give away one free sample from the collection. Other than that, there will be no previews. It's like the textbook. I really didn't give away too much information. That's to protect the content. I'm planning to post a list of all the sound files in the collection on my website.
For those that want to pay more, I might make the collection available on CD. That would probably be $19.98 per copy.
Photics said: I'm planning to wrap this project up by November 10, 2010. That's when the sound files should be available at Photics.com.
I planned to be finished today, but this project is far more difficult than I imagined. I have 366 sounds so far. I really like them. (I'm especially impressed with the quality of the earthquake and stomp sounds.) I'm still trying to wrap up this project soon.
I looked back at this... "I'm not changing the parameters of this project... 1000 Royalty Free sounds for $10... and I'm trying to finish by the first week of November."
The words... [at this time] ...were missing. HA HA!
I didn't want to change the project parameters. However, the project did change. I think it changed for the better — I think it's now more about quality than quantity. Finding good sound ideas, and then recording those sounds, is taking longer than I imagined. Some basic sounds are easy to create. Yet, I decided to put some variety into this project. That means some sounds have taken much longer to create.
I have some alien sounds, some sounds for platformers, some sounds for fighting games, some cooking sounds, a few sports sound and some basic sounds... like bells, errors, critters, birds and metal sounds.
Those little boops and beeps can be great for making your game's interface seem more professional.
Back to work for me. Just when I think I can't think of anymore sounds, I experiment with new material and create even more sounds. Will I make it to 500?
Wow, those are great comments! I'm working very hard because I don't want to disappoint you.
There are 25 sounds left to go. I should be finished later today and the first "FREE .WAV WEDNESDAY" should be tomorrow. I'm planning to create a video tutorial, which will show how to use the free sound effectively in a GameSalad game. That video idea is a bit ambitious, so I don't know if I will do it for sure.
What I do know is that I'm in a good mood today. I'm highly confident that I can finish today, launching the sounds tomorrow. I'm taking a break right now, but then it's back to work for me.
I think it's pretty good work. I was presenting the sound effects and the feedback was something like, "How did you make that?!" ...as if such a sound effect was beyond my abilities. Heh, that's when I knew I was making good stuff. I researched old radio and Hollywood style foley techniques to create these sounds. I'm treating this as a professional project. I think it's really good.
PossesiveGaming said: Will you be releasing this evening?
I think I will be making the sounds available for purchase from Photics.com later tonight. Finishing this project tonight seems highly likely. However, I just got my Mac Ram today. Updating the RAM on a Mac Mini is tricky, so I want to post that article first. If the sounds are not available later tonight, I might have broken my Mac Mini. HA HA!
The CD version will probably be available tomorrow, with the FREE .WAV WEDNESDAY article. I already picked out a sound.
The 500 sounds are complete. I'm not ready to post it yet though. I think it's better to release it in the morning. That way, if there are technical issues, I'll be awake.
I upgraded the memory in my Mac Mini. I didn't break it, but it was a little tricky. I'm glad i upgraded the memory It runs so much better now. I'm still planning to write the article first, and then launch the sounds. It should be a busy morning for me.
Maybe the GameSalad salad team should hire me. I could create a lot of useful stuff for the community... tutorials, sound files, graphics files. I could set up a GameSalad Marketplace, but moving to Austin is not an option... so perhaps Photics.com will be a place for people to buy the game assets that they're looking for. It depends on the success of this project.
Could you give us a preview of 2-3 sound effects?
For those that want to pay more, I might make the collection available on CD. That would probably be $19.98 per copy.
I looked back at this... "I'm not changing the parameters of this project... 1000 Royalty Free sounds for $10... and I'm trying to finish by the first week of November."
The words... [at this time] ...were missing. HA HA!
I didn't want to change the project parameters. However, the project did change. I think it changed for the better — I think it's now more about quality than quantity. Finding good sound ideas, and then recording those sounds, is taking longer than I imagined. Some basic sounds are easy to create. Yet, I decided to put some variety into this project. That means some sounds have taken much longer to create.
I have some alien sounds, some sounds for platformers, some sounds for fighting games, some cooking sounds, a few sports sound and some basic sounds... like bells, errors, critters, birds and metal sounds.
Those little boops and beeps can be great for making your game's interface seem more professional.
Back to work for me. Just when I think I can't think of anymore sounds, I experiment with new material and create even more sounds. Will I make it to 500?
There are 25 sounds left to go. I should be finished later today and the first "FREE .WAV WEDNESDAY" should be tomorrow. I'm planning to create a video tutorial, which will show how to use the free sound effectively in a GameSalad game. That video idea is a bit ambitious, so I don't know if I will do it for sure.
What I do know is that I'm in a good mood today. I'm highly confident that I can finish today, launching the sounds tomorrow. I'm taking a break right now, but then it's back to work for me.
I think it's pretty good work. I was presenting the sound effects and the feedback was something like, "How did you make that?!" ...as if such a sound effect was beyond my abilities. Heh, that's when I knew I was making good stuff. I researched old radio and Hollywood style foley techniques to create these sounds. I'm treating this as a professional project. I think it's really good.
Will you be releasing this evening?
The CD version will probably be available tomorrow, with the FREE .WAV WEDNESDAY article. I already picked out a sound.
Seven sounds to go!
I upgraded the memory in my Mac Mini. I didn't break it, but it was a little tricky. I'm glad i upgraded the memory It runs so much better now. I'm still planning to write the article first, and then launch the sounds. It should be a busy morning for me.