Another app rejected due to graphics corruption

Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
edited November -1 in Tech Support
For a third time I've had an app corrupt during the bundle process. This is insanity. At least it's a little different this time. Twice with ipad it was a white screen. This time it's nothing but a black screen. Variety is nice. :(


  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    I did an adhoc version for testing and it worked fine. It was after that that it corrupted. And of course I have no way to find that out till Apple rejects it. I've been fighting this glitchy software since April and now they are desperate to make it even less appealing. Good luck all.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    I haven't made an iPad app yet, so can't speak from experience with that format.

    However, others seem to have no problem with their graphics when making iPad apps.

    I'm gutted for ya that you're having these problems. Have you checked the forums for guidelines on the kind of graphics you should use?

    It does seem very odd to be ok in the adhoc version but not afterwards. Did you change anything between that and when the corruption first appeared?

    Wishing you the best of luck,


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Actually meant to say this time it was iphone. I just did another adhoc and it's fine. So I don't know if it was a freak accident or what. I really wish I could look at the graphics after it bundles. I'm using Photoshop to create them. Not doing anything different than I've done before. The corruption issues have only been present since the latest version of gamesalad(which I reinstalled once). ...and I see no update to that in the near future, just this direct thing. :o( I don't know if it's worth submitting again hoping it will work this time or what.

    But no, no changes between the adhoc and the submission. I only did the adhoc because of two previous apps that corrupted on me. And when it worked I thought I was good to go. :o(
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    one way to test what is different between your ad hoc build and submission one is to jailbreak your device. If you do that you can install appsync and just lift your binary onto itunes and it will install. This way you get to play on the exact same build you are sending to apple.

    I know some people may disagree with jailbreaking, more will probably disagree with appsync. But it does serve a purpose.
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369

    I have made quite a few ipad apps...and think the GS system works really well. I do optimize graphics a lot (8bit png) and have a rigid workflow of development to minimize code errors. You have to be careful deleting assets and making sure all attributes are correctly assigned.

    More than happy to test your app? I do not use jail broken devices? Maybe that's it?

  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Thanks but I've tested it in the game salad viewer on the Mac, on the iPhone and have made two adhoc versions. The phone isn't jail broken. This one is an iPhone app not an iPad app. I think anyone else testing would find the same thing but I appreciate the offer. I may start the app over as the software has been crashing like mad. Or I may walk away at this point and learn a different program.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Hey Peter, email the project and/or the compiled .app to codemonkey (at) I can take a look at the images.

    I suspect either images larger than 1024 in a dimension and/or not 72dpi.
    Or errant images in the package contents of the .gameproj
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    All images are 72dpi. The largest image which is the background is the exact dimensions of the iphone. I'll email you the file. Thanks.
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    None of my email accounts seem to support a 40 mb file transfer. I'll just start the project fresh, resubmit and hope for the best.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    You could try this:

    Once a file's uploaded, you can send a link to it in an email - zero size ;)

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    JGary321 said:
    @TymeMaster - That was one of the most inappropriate comments that I have ever seen on this board. That particular comment will be reported. Please do not post flagrant offensive responses.

    I didn't post it, Polygame did. so i reported him
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