Animation or Not??

beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi Everyone

Im very close now to submitting my next game i've been working on and off for a while with now. I just started this thread for all your opinions really. Included in the game is night and snow based levels. In the night i had a rain animation taking up the whole screen and with the snow level, the same but with snow. To me, i think it makes it look a lot more aesthetically pleasing and appealing. The problem is, with these on, it puts the overall ram above 40mb which means i would have to release for 3gs and above. I have uploaded a youtube vid so you can see the difference in the animations to help form your opinion. Thanks

With animation 3gs and above or without environment animations and target all devices?



  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    have them switchable in settings ? I actually prefer the clean look , I wouldn't want to play with the snow running all the time.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Cor, impressive response on the poll ;-)

    Thanks Rob, that may actually be a better way to go I guess. I could start with it off by default i guess.
  • MixelMixel Member Posts: 32
    I voted no snow/rain.. Would it use up so much ram if you put some sort of particle effect with tiny flakes scattering down? (it might be worse, I'm new to GS!) but then it'd be more dynamic too, as its so obviously looped in the video.
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    I managed to get my rain effect down quite small by doing the animation short and small and then stretching it over the entire screen.

    as rain and snow is blurry, it doesn't really matter if its a 4 frame animation which is only 256 x 256

    it might help reduce the the ram...
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    oh, and wicked graphics by the way ;)
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Can't you do snow and rain with tiny particles?
    Just Blast tiny blurs that only last a fraction of a second?
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