Move a object Left and Right in Loop
Hi, i want to insert a object and it move left and right in loop mode + wave move ??
( This object is only for design menu )
( This object is only for design menu )
you insert in other article ( ) an exemple for pause a object ( this object is in rotation mode ) .
my object go to right and left and move a few inches at the top and bottom in wave mode ( wave only for up and down) all for the time when the user remain in menu.
Thankssss tshirtbooth
my object should move from left to right continuously ( automatic mode ) for all time the user is in the "menu" , and this object must move to max horizontal dimension of the scene.
It should be fantastic if the above object could move left to right in a wave.
Thankssss you
Everything ok, but i need the SUN should STOP at right side of the screen and Restart to move on the left side (and so on continuously )
thankssss thanksssss Venon
can I ask you another information? If I want the SUN moves to the right and left, without the wave mode?
thankssss thankssss tshirt
i want to use this project for other use, i create a object_1 and this moves to the right and left, ( without the wave mode ) , and create another object_2 ( a MAN ) and this "Man" move to in left , right , up and down, i want the object_1 move and blocks the passage to object_2 , i I changed the density in 10000 and friction zero and restitution zero , "flag" Fixed rotation , "flag" Movable.
Everything ok, but when the object_2 ( a MAN ) passing under the object_1 , it moves!! and this should not happen, the object must have a "guide"