Player Atop Object

millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an Actor controlled by the Player that needs to jump over and land atop objects. The Player has a rectangular collision shape - so does the object. As a result the player can move beyond the edge of the object he is supposedly perched atop without falling. I need to perfect this, any tips would be helpful.

I am using a downward Acceleration on the Player for Gravity instead of the Gravity effect.



  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    I don't see a question here, so I don't know what you're asking for help on.
  • millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
    Sorry, my question is how do I get my character to fall off the edge of an object without having all of its collision shape hanging over. See the image below. My bunny character should technically be falling into the hole - however because of the rectangular collision shape...a single pixel is still colliding with the ground and therefore it doesn't fall.


    I've added the rectangle design for illustration purposes. The bunny clearly appears to be over the hole. I would prefer that if the bunny were more than half way over the gap...that he fall in.
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    you need to create a smaller actor which is what you control, make it invisible and then constrain the actor with the image of the bunny to the samller actors x,y. that way, when the smaller actor falls down the hole, the image will also appear to fall.
  • millerbrother1millerbrother1 Member Posts: 108
    :-) Thanks Gazjm. Why didn't I think of that?
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