Cannot preview my game in any way

DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
edited November -1 in Tech Support
OK, I am making a platform game and all of a sudden I could not preview it in any way and the screen just went black or mixed up all its memory into 1 jumble of nonsense.
Please tell me how to fix this or else I will have to recreate this game again!


  • magic101himagic101hi Member Posts: 713
    go into the actor settings and change it to visvible
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Go back and check if all of your rules make sense, all of your attributes are there, etc.

    In other words, check every actor on the scene and make sure everything makes sense
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    I tried those things but they did not work!
    Please, Please help me!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    This is definitely not a problem with GS but a problem with your logic (sorry but it has happened to me MANY times!)

    Be sure to look in all the OTHERWISE sections.
    Be sure to look extra close at any code that was copied and pasted (custom attributes will not copy correctly and must be redone after pasting)
    Think about what you added to the scene before it crashed.
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    Well I added trees (pssst.. Is there anything wrong with Trees?)
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    It was working perfectly well before I added trees and the trees do not have any script they just don't move
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    Thanks a lot guys now I can finish my game.
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