level unlock unlocking to many levels
I have a change attribute game.levelsUnlock to game.levelsUnlock+1 at the end of a level 1
this opens level 2...
however if i replay level 1 it will unlock level 3 and if i replay again level 4 etc
how can i tell it to just unlock level 2 and not any other levels no matter how often its replayed?
I have a change attribute game.levelsUnlock to game.levelsUnlock+1 at the end of a level 1
this opens level 2...
however if i replay level 1 it will unlock level 3 and if i replay again level 4 etc
how can i tell it to just unlock level 2 and not any other levels no matter how often its replayed?
and when levelcomplete
change attribute levelsunlocked to levelsunlocked+1
but the next level unlocks when the current level is completed, however you can go back to improve your score if you like... so that sets levelcomplete to true as its already cleared and unlocked a level+1.. i think here is where it looks at whats the next level to unlock even if its a few levels down the road..?
so i need to either find a way to unlock a level by name or something else more specific
pointed me in the right direction