Stop the Sounds

HEllo There i'm noob in Gamesalad World! ^__^
I need to play multiple sounds (for this reason i use "sounds" and not "music" object)
in my app i need to stop them touching the same buttons that i use to start these sounds.
For Example: clicking on Actor1 it plays sound named "sound1"
While clicking on Actor 2 plays "sound 2" etc etc
Re-touching the same actors i want to stop music
How can i do this?
I need to play multiple sounds (for this reason i use "sounds" and not "music" object)
in my app i need to stop them touching the same buttons that i use to start these sounds.
For Example: clicking on Actor1 it plays sound named "sound1"
While clicking on Actor 2 plays "sound 2" etc etc
Re-touching the same actors i want to stop music
How can i do this?
Rule To Turn Sound ON:
Set up a rule that will run when ALL (conditions) are true.
-(When actor 1 is touched)
-(self.sound = false)
--change attribute self.sound to true
Rule To Turn Sound OFF:
Set up a rule that will run when ALL (conditions) are true.
-(When actor 1 is touched)
-(self.sound = true)
--change attribute self.sound to false
Rule to play the sound:
When self.sound = true, play sound